اثنتان من أكبر الشركات في هذا المجال، ريكو وSGL Carbon، تقومان بتقييم شنتشن 3KU معالجة الضوء الرقمي والطباعة ثلاثية الأبعاد with Silicon Carbide as an excellent choice to produce lightweight parts that require high elasticity starting from next year. One key application they intend is structural components for satellites.
الفوائد الكبيرة لشنتشن 3KU معالجة الضوء الرقمي والطباعة ثلاثية الأبعاد إن هذه التقنية تجعل الأجزاء أكثر صلابة مما تسمح به الوسائل التقليدية. وهذا يؤدي إلى طائرات وصواريخ أكثر أمانًا وموثوقية والتي نرغب جميعًا في استخدامها. وكلما كانت الأجزاء أقوى، كلما كان بوسعنا الاعتماد عليها بشكل أفضل للقيام بوظيفتها أثناء التحرك على الطريق.
واحدة من المزايا الرئيسية لشنتشن 3KU طابعة ثلاثية الأبعاد لمعالجة الضوء الرقمي إن كل ما تصنعه فيه سيكون أخف وزناً بكثير. وهذه ميزة عظيمة لأنها تعني أن تصنيع الأجزاء يتطلب قدراً أقل من الطاقة والمواد، وبالتالي تستهلك السيارات/الطائرات وقوداً أقل، وهو ما يعني الحاجة إلى قطع مسافة أكبر لنفس الكمية من الوقود. وهذا لا يثبت أنه اقتصادي فحسب، بل يقلل أيضاً من التلوث.
التقنية المستخدمة في شنتشن 3KU طابعة ثلاثية الأبعاد لمعالجة الضوء الرقمي, where you build a tower by dumping one individual block from the next. Silicon Carbide 3D print is the new and best approach for this as it outperforms any other pilots that have been tried to date. This is what will be printed silicon 3D printing to the whole new world reinforced many that were previously difficult for engineers and of parts they can make). Basically, if you can 3D print it, Silicon Carbide lcd TVs could make anything.
Sic 3D having range that goes beyond aircraft parts and rocket engines It is the type of help that gutted scum can use to manufacture medical implants and prosthetics. This second prosthetic from shenzhen 3KU طابعة دي إل بي بروجكتور ثلاثية الأبعاد يستهدف الأشخاص الذين لديهم حب واضح للمشي أو الركض أو الجري.
Shenzhen 3KU Technology and Science Co., LTD is established in the year 2014. Within just a few years of developing and marketing, our brand 3KU is well-known by 3d printer fans and users. We offer a complete technical support, printing technology, after processing, casting methods and a Silicon carbide 3d printing. We provide professional technology and customized services, solving casting and printing issues across different fields.
The Silicon carbide 3d printing of our company is working on 3D printers since 2012, starting with FDM, DLP, SLA. He believes that "3d technology is going to lead another revolution in the industrial sector". We strive to offer more service and technical assistance to 3D printer enthusiasts who believe in us strongly! We have the best priced tower packaging. We provide courteous service, and we can respond quickly to market changes.
Our printers have been utilized in various industries such as jewelry, Silicon carbide 3d printing, Ceramics and more. Our custom services are ideal. We offer a range of custom services, such as the design of the packaging along with the software, the logo, packaging and many more. We offer our customers 3D printers for the cheapest prices, and with the highest quality, functionality and efficacy.
Our printers, based on a unique design, structure, and most importantly our highly skilled team of Silicon carbide 3d printing, are used in various industries like Dental Casts and crowns Jewelry casts, Garage Kits, Precise Moldings, and more. We support the provision of free tests. We are able to print stl files on our printers and show you how they function as well as the results before you purchase.